week sixteen – bread à la rahel

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 presetwhoever invented bread, to my mind, is a genius. of all carby things, bread is by far my favorite. i could live without rice or potatoes or even pasta, but never without bread (believe me, i’ve tried). one of the questions i’ve often asked myself is how cake (…which is sort of like bread, if you think about it…) was invented. what led someone to take flour, eggs, sugar, etc., mix them and then bake the mixture? this is deep stuff, people. i mean, thank goodness they did, but…how?? Gioia wrote a story for me with a possible explanation. the cutest story ever, in my opinion. one day, i’ll convince her to publish it. or maybe i’ll publish it without her consent…help calm the nerves of those also pondering this question. do humanity a favor, so to speak.

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anywhooo – BREAD. a few weeks ago, i made this delicious cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread for a brunch a friend and i were hosting and it was a success, a go-back-for-seconds-and-thirds-and-fourths kind of success. and then i discovered this cheddar, beer and mustard pull-apart bread on marta’s blog (along with lots and lots of other recipes that make my mouth water just thinking about them). so, i decided to make my own savory pull-apart bread. because pull-apart breads rock.

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for my version, i used the (fresh) jar of arugula pesto i still had in the fridge from sandwich week, feta and tomatoes, slathered it all onto the dough from marta’s recipe (the only change i made was to substitute the beer with milk), piled the cut up pieces into the loaf pan and put it into the oven. thirty minutes later, the most wonderful smelling bread was ready to be devoured. and so it was. mmmmmmmh. end of story.

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next week on this ol’ blog, things are getting spicy!


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